* INSIGHT / TikTok for business/ 01

Everyone on TikTok: Gen Z is the new target audience

Article bySay Social
Young woman with red hair, wearing white cat-eye sunglasses, holds a red lollipop to her lips against a light blue background. Fashionable and playful vibe.

In recent years, TikTok has climbed to the top of the social landscape, becoming one of the most widely used platforms in the world. Born as an app for sharing funny and light-hearted videos, TikTok found its consecration during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

* Intro / TikTok for business/ 02


The numbers tell us that since its launch in 2016, the app has totalled 3 billion downloads (672 million in 2022 alone) and boasts 50 million daily active users. Particularly popular with Generation Z, TikTok represents a new frontier for businesses. An opportunity to embrace a more informal and engaging communication style, capable of promoting products and services to a wide and diverse audience.

* Research / TikTok for business/ 03

TikTok as the search engine of choice for Gen Z

TikTok has claimed the role of preferred search engine for more than half of Generation Z. This was revealed in a new survey conducted by the company Her Campus Media, as reported by Search Engine Land. Although Google remains the undisputed search giant across the board, the picture changes dramatically when considering the habits of younger people. TikTok is not a direct competitor to Google in terms of search functionality, but offers a search box integrated into the app that allows access to specific content. According to the survey, 74% of Generation Z make regular use of this search box, while surprisingly 51% even prefer TikTok to Google as a search engine. There are three main reasons for this choice: video-based answers (69%), the ability to better identify users' searches (65%) and greater personalisation (47%).

* How to make the most of TikTok / TikTok for business/ 04

TikTok for business

The data speak for themselves: TikTok is a constantly growing world, with a vast and, above all, receptive user base. TikTok is not a playground for improvisers: it has its own rules and secrets for gaining visibility and interaction. To make the most of the app's potential for your business, you cannot rely on chance.


Here are some keywords and tips we want to give you to enable you to make the most of this social marketing platform:


- Star profile: create an optimised and recognisable company profile, with a profile picture that is your brand's calling card.


- Compelling content: create authentic, entertaining and interesting videos that reflect your brand's personality and capture your audience's attention. Don't be trivial and develop a unique style to make your brand more recognisable.


- Trendsetter: monitor current trends and actively participate in those in line with your industry. Ride the wave and join in by inspiring guides, how-tos, challenges and challenges to intercept the tastes and interests of your target audience.


- Strategic hashtags: use relevant and popular hashtags to be found by users looking for content like yours.


- Influencer power: influencers play a significant role on TikTok and can be invaluable in expanding your audience. Identify the most relevant ones in your industry and consider collaborating with them. You could ask them to create sponsored content or promote your product or service within their videos.


- Call to action: invite users to take an action after watching the video, be it visiting your website, buying a product or following your profile. You can also ask them to share videos in which your product appears or to participate in a challenge. This engagement will amplify your potential to reach more users and increase your brand visibility.


- Contests and giveaways: organise contests or giveaways to engage your audience and build loyalty.


- Analysis and optimisation: monitor video performance and analyse which types of content work best to refine your strategy over time.


- Interaction and community: respond to comments, participate in discussions and interact with the community, this is key to connecting with users and growing your follower base.


- Advertising: Tik Tok offers the possibility to create advertisements to amplify the visibility of your content beyond organic reach. You can use these advertisements to reach specific target audiences and promote your products or services in a targeted manner. Carefully explore the advertising options offered and create advertisements that capture the attention of your target audience.


* Our tips / TikTok for business/ 05

TikTok as an opportunity to bring Gen Z closer to your product

In Switzerland, TikTok is gaining more and more users of all ages, including adults and people over 50. However, we cannot ignore the fact that TikTok is particularly popular among Generation Z, which makes it fertile ground for bringing the digital native generation closer to shopping centres. 

Here are some tips to stand out on the platform: 

- Create engaging and viral content such as videos, challenges and custom hashtags and activate collaborations with influencers relevant to Gen Z.

- Promote exclusive offers and discounts for TikTok users that will entice users in this age group to visit the mall.

- Offer interactive and immersive experiences such as AR filters and masks or in-store events and activities to create a sense of community.

- Show the human side of the shopping centre by telling the stories of employees and shopkeepers and the centre's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Several companies in Switzerland are intensifying their presence on TikTok. Let's find out together how, analysing the example of the Mall of Switzerland, the largest shopping centre in central Switzerland located in Ebikon (LU).

* Case history / TikTok for business/ 06

Mall of Switzerland on TikTok: entertainment and shopping meet

The Mall of Switzerland has an active presence on TikTok, taking full advantage of this platform to entertain, inform and engage its audience. 

On Mall Of Switzerland's profile we find entertaining and creative videos in which funny moments, challenges, artistic performances or simply everyday life are shared. The use of filters and current trends make the content more attractive. Current promotions and events are shared through short videos that include calls to action towards users to lead them to visit the shops in the centre. 

There are frequent collaborations with local influencers who share their experiences, show their favourite shops and the activities they like to do there. 

Ample space is dedicated to Oana, Switzerland's only indoor artificial wave in the mall and narrated through videos of people enjoying this attraction in order to draw attention to it and create interest. 

With its presence on TikTok, the Mall of Switzerland shows how a shopping centre can be not only a place to shop, but also a place for entertainment and socialising.

The data do not lie: a strategy on TikTok to promote a shopping centre is bound to pay off. A considerable increase in traffic from under-25s, a growth in engagement and a solid, modern brand positioning are just some of the results one can look forward to.

* Conclusion / TikTok for business/ 07

TikTok for success

The TikTok revolution is underway. Companies that want to grow in the future cannot ignore this platform. Listening to Generation Z and responding to its needs is the key to winning the hearts and minds of tomorrow's consumers.


Don't miss the opportunity to connect with Gen Z, the future of retail is on TikTok!


handEnhance your social presence

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