* INSIGHT / PESO model/ 01

PESO Model: How to develop It at best

Seven lollipops arranged in a row on a green background, each with different icons inside, including hearts and cameras. The image emphasizes vibrant colors and playful design.

Imagine the PESO model as the hidden treasure in the world of marketing and communication. It's like a trusted companion for businesses, opening doors to a world of opportunities offered by new technologies and emerging communication channels. By combining four categories of media into an integrated strategy, it becomes the key to unlocking business success. Not only does it amplify the audience and increase brand visibility, but it also strengthens the company's reputation. It's like having a guide to success in the increasingly complex world of communication. Let's explore this model together.

* intro / Peso Model/ 01

What is the PESO Model

The PESO model is a smart way to plan your online presence, where you understand who creates promotional content, who identifies the target audience, and who delivers that content to the right audience. It's practically like having a detailed map for the success of online marketing campaigns. This model is crucial because it gives you a clear direction on how to organize your communication strategies. Understanding how the PESO model works is like having a key to improving your digital marketing performance and making your brand stand out in the vast online world.

* Paid Media / PESO Model/ C

P for Paid Media

Let's talk about those promotional contents that are created and produced by the company but are then distributed or advertised through channels managed by third parties. A common example is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where an ad is created to appear during a Google search. Even though the content was conceived by the company itself, the channel through which it is promoted is managed by Google. Furthermore, the users who potentially see this ad are all members of the platform. It's a bit like the company inviting guests to its party, but the party is held in a rented venue: the company controls the festivities, but the venue belongs to someone else.


Examples: online advertising campaigns, sponsorships, influencer marketing.


Tips: When planning your marketing strategy, it's essential to clearly identify your target audience and be specific about who they are and what they are looking for. When you use paid media effectively, you can reach this audience in a targeted and engaging way.

* Earned Media / PESO Model/ D

E for Earned Media

These are spontaneous and genuine actions performed by people outside the company but contribute to making the brand known and conferring credibility to it. We refer to word-of-mouth, reviews, positive comments, as well as shares on social media. All these actions are like small acts of support that promote the business but are generated by individuals outside the company itself. So, when your brand gets exposure and visibility through these strategies, it's thanks to the people who have executed them.


Examples: public relations, viral marketing, spontaneous recommendations.


Tips: Sharing positive customer reviews and case studies demonstrating our success is essential for building trust in our brand. These contents show others the validity and reliability of our company, helping to generate trust and interest in our products or services.

* Shared Media / PESO Model/ E

S for Shared Media

We refer to shared media as those communication channels that make it easier for businesses and consumers to interact and share content. Platforms like social media, blogs, and forums encourage dialogue between the company and the audience through posts, tweets, comments, and shares. Their main mission is to create engagement and build a community around the brand. It's like creating a digital friendship that benefits both parties.


Examples: social media marketing, collaboration with influencers, online communities.


Tips: Keeping your online presence updated is crucial. Use trending hashtags or those related to recent events to amplify your visibility on social media. Publish content that encourages your audience to interact and actively participate in our community. This approach allows us to stay relevant and maintain a close connection with our audience, generating interest and engagement.

* Owned Media / PESO Model/ F

O for Owned Media

These are owned media channels, communication channels managed directly by the company itself. Through these means, the company has complete control over the message and can communicate directly with consumers, offering them informative, educational, and entertaining content. The goal is to consolidate the brand image as consistent and authoritative while providing added value to consumers. It's like having a direct conversation with the audience, where we can share useful and interesting information for them.


Examples: company website, company blog, newsletters.


Tips: Be genuine and connect with the audience authentically. Prompt reflections with questions and invite them to share opinions to inspire ideas and initiate a genuine conversation about your brand.


Making the PESO Model truly effective is like putting together the pieces of a puzzle strategically. We must understand what we want to achieve as a company, who we want to reach, and what our competitors are doing. It's like creating a tailor-made recipe for success, where each element is important and influences the final result.

* Example / PESO Model/ G

PESO Model: a practical example

Imagine launching a new product and wanting to engage the audience authentically and effectively. You could use paid ads on social media and Google to reach a wide interested audience (Paid), create engaging and informative content on your website and blog to offer added value to potential customers (Owned), distribute press releases and collaborate with influencers to gain visibility and credibility (Earned), and finally, actively involve employees and customers in promoting the product through sharing content on social media (Shared). This way, every aspect of the PESO model works together to ensure the success of your new product launch, engaging the audience in different and stimulating ways.


Airbnb's Neighborhood Guides:
Airbnb successfully implemented the PESO model through its "Neighborhood Guides" initiative. They created informative and engaging content about various destinations (Owned), encouraging travelers to share their experiences on social media (Earned). They also collaborated with local influencers and travel partners (Earned) to enhance the credibility and authenticity of their content. Airbnb used targeted advertising (Paid) to promote their guides and reach a wide audience of potential travelers.


Coca-Cola Happiness Machine Campaign:
Coca-Cola brilliantly utilized the PESO model with its "Happiness Machine Campaign." They created engaging and entertaining videos (Owned) that went viral on social media (Earned). They also invested in advertising (Paid) to increase the visibility and spread of the videos. Additionally, they encouraged the audience to share their experiences with the happiness machine on social media, thus enhancing interaction and engagement (Shared).

* conclusion / PESO Model/ H

Maximizing the effectiveness

In today's world, where others' opinions and social influence increasingly drive purchasing decisions, traditional advertising alone is no longer sufficient. Each individual idea might have limited impact, but when we combine them in a well-coordinated marketing strategy, they become extraordinarily powerful and can truly influence consumer decisions. This is where the PESO model comes into play: adopting it in a marketing campaign is essential to maximize the effectiveness of our actions and achieve tangible results that truly make a difference for our brand.


In your opinion, what are the most obvious and exemplary cases that can be cited to demonstrate a correct and highly effective application of the PESO model?

handMaximize the effectiveness of your communication

Discover how to use the PESO Model to maximize the results of your communication. Start now!

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