
Peerfect Friends

ClientLega Polmonare
ServiceCampaign, Adv

The only way not to blow it is by prevention.That is why, to prevent adolescents' health, we have put creativity at the disposal of society with the Peerfect Friend Project.

* Case history / Peerfect Friends/ B

To open a dialogue with the new generation, you need the right words, their words.
With Peerfect Friend, a peer education project of Lega polmonare ticinese, we turned high school students into prevention influencers, to raise awareness among their peers about the risks of smoking.

As a strategic partner, we provided support in creating awareness around the initiative and involving Peerfect Friends, creating an experience that was both engaging and educational.

For the initiative, we engaged the students of the Cantonal School of Commerce of Bellinzona, guiding them in the conception of a real smoke-free campaign.

At the same time, we created an engaging experience in which Peerfect Friends challenged their peers to give up a cigarette, combining a strong no-smoking message with a strong and practical action that made many students become aware of their addiction.


Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . 
Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . Who has spoken about us . 

handDid we hit the mark?

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