* Project / Splash&Spa/ A

Splash & SPA

ClientSplash & Spa
ServiceAdv, Social Media, Ambient, Web

To avoid falling into the clichés, we came up with a truly overwhelming campaign for Splash&Spa!

When you oscillate between relax and fun, there is a continuum of possibilities in between.
For Splash&Spa, we designed a campaign capable of conveying the unique appeal of a place where you can enjoy exciting moments and unique wellness experiences.

From the billboards to the digital presence, nothing was left to chance.
With a truly surprising output.

Diving into the experience

Thanks to a fresh and appealing visual identity, the Splash&Spa experience is immersive right from social media.
That's why we gave voice directly to those who have experienced it.
Because there is no better ambassador than a satisfied customer.

On digital channels, Splash&Spa is like a high wave: when it arrives, it is overwhelming.
The colourful and dynamic visual identity is enhanced, giving rise to engaging lifestyle and information content.

And thanks to real time marketing initiatives, humour blinks at the actuality, promoting Splash&Spa's services by using the power of irony.

* Activation / Splash&Spa/ C

But we didn't stop there. Because the Splash&Spa experience does not need words, it needs to be lived. Through the installation of wooden benches with steam jets in strategic locations, anyone could enjoy a short relaxing break, in full Splash&Spa style.
Because customer care starts at the starting point.

* Website / Splash&Spa/ D

E pAnd for those who begin the experience on the web, the journey through places and emotions follows a visual approach, with a UX designed to make all Splash&Spa offers and services memorable and recognisable.

Clear, immediate and well-organised information helps users find their way around, offering them a virtual place where purchasing becomes easy and pleasant.

Full screen videos transform navigation into an immersive and complete experience, allowing people to satisfy their leisure needs by choosing between the 3 different areas of the facility: fun, relax and fitness.

With the Splash&Spa project, relaxation and fun have never been so close.

handDid we hit the mark?

Who starts well, is halfway on the road to success. If you want to start a new project, you are in the right place. Write us.

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