

* Google Ads / overview/ A


With the help of our Google Ads experts, you will never be more enthusiastic about getting traffic... on your website! Rely on our expertise for this service, and reach your goals with Google and Say Social.

By creating and managing a Google Ads campaign, we help you generate highly targeted and guaranteed traffic to any website. What does this mean? By using this service, we will help you show yours on search engines precisely when users search for a product or service similar to yours. In this way, you can increase visits to your website, online sales, bookings, or increase customer calls thanks to click-to-call. The costs? Whatever you want to achieve, you only pay for what you get. "So I can show my ads even when users search for my competitors? Ads, how nice!"

Two professionals, a man and a woman, collaboratively working at a computer in a bright office, focusing intently on the screen.

Power is nothing without control. Google Ads is an extremely powerful platform, but to maximise the results it can deliver, it must be used carefully. That is why we use a unique and rational approach when structuring an Adwords campaign.


Market analysis

This allows us to have an in-depth knowledge of the industry within which your company moves, thanks to an in-depth competitive analysis.

Keywords analysis

Words are important. Even on the web. That is why a keyword analysis should be conducted, to use the best keywords to best index the ad.

Ads design

We design the advertisements effectively, optimising them according to the chosen formats.

Campaign monitoring

After the initial analysis, the real-time analysis becomes crucial. This allows real-time monitoring of campaign performance so that it can be adjusted if the need arises.
* Google Ads/ C
handWell-made Google Ads?

Contact us, and together we will start advertising on search engines to give a boost to your business!